<body> As Time Goes By
That's me

27 December


A New HP
Black Jeans
Driving License
New Wallet
Digi Cam
An iPod
Levi's Jeans
Lots of Money
Lots of Love from HIM


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
October 2008






*Please do not remove this part*

Sweet Inocence

Designer: Japanese Girl 30

Brushes: x

Codings: Saryoma

Hosting: Blogger, Photobucket

Software Used: Notepad, Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Dar Dar's packing his stuff to get ready for 'ban jia'... Was in his room that day... Happen to see a stack of photo albums... So took and browse through...

Isn't he adorable... Hehe... I laughed so hard while looking through his pics... And he give me 'that' face...

I think he didn't change alot... Juz that he looks older lah... Hehe... And he's got really protruded ears... Like a dwarf...

I especially like the first and the last one...

The first one's got this big wide smile... And the outfit he's wearing... Charming...

The last one's i think taken when he's quite young... So ke ai... But look abit like monkey... No wonder behave like one too... Hehe... Oh... And that's his Mum by the way...

He's going out to sea tomorrow... Take care... Will be missing you... See you when u get back...

I Blog @:
1:36 am <3


Friday, 24 August 2007

Completed Mr Muddle... And I still got 5 more of these 'men' to sew... Haiz... Poor Dar dar... Wait so long le... Now still waiting... Haiz... All becuz of my stupid 'problem' lah... Angry!!!

Mummy bought this pair of bedroom slippers for me... But she very funny lor... She tot of the part where my feet need ventilation... But she didn't think of the part about the material it is made of... Its made of clothes... Sure smelly one... Hehe...

But I still like and use it... Thanks Mum!!! <3>

Dar Dar gave me this today... Hehe... The scent is quite 'womanly' and powdery... Like those elegant woman smell... Nvm... I will learn to be more 'womanly' to match up wif the scent... Haha...

But... Did u notice tat it spells 'HOGO'... Instead of 'HUGO'... Haiz... Dar Dar so 'ke lian'... Reach home then find out that it fake... He so angry... Ask me to throw away and he buy another real one for me... But I say nvm...Can still use one... Its the thought that counts... Thanks Dar... Love you lots...

Nowadays Dar Dar always go out to sea... To learn more things and earn some extra bucks... I'll pray for him everyday... That he'll be safe... God Bless Dar Dar!!!

I Blog @:
11:33 pm <3


Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Haven really been blogging lately... Cuz I'm lazy and I dun really have anything special to blog about...

Juz some random stuff...

Mr Happy
I juz completed Mr Happy some days ago... Working on Mr Muddle now... But he's kinda short compared to the others... U'll know what I mean when I'm done...

This was taken when I took Bibi to the vet yesterday... It seems that she's got a bad case of hair ball stuck in her throat... And she tries so hard to get it out... But only saliva comes out...

Dad says she coughs like an old man... Hehe... The vet gave her some gel-like thingey for her to eat... To lubricate the throat and allow the hair ball to go down her throat easily... Whitey and Baby can eat it too...

Bought this at Giant on Sat... I bought it cuz I like the bottle... Hehe... The one on the left is LB Original flavour... The middle one is Lavender flavour... And the one on the right is Rose flavour...

Wat's special about this Vitagen is that it had added COLLAGEN (I seriously dunno what the hell is that and I juz buy... Jia Lat!!!) Anyone know what is it... And what does it help improve in your body... Pls let me know...

Anyway... It doesn't taste bad... I think it taste quite nice... I think its about $3+ for 5 bottles... Try it...

*I think I'm like Felicia Chin promoting for Vitagen... But she gets money and also pose for photos with Vitagen bottles and the heart-shaped comfy chair... But I dun... Haha...

Byez... Nitez

I Blog @:
11:20 pm <3




